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Moral tool for imagination.

Hosted here.

Explanatory essay here.


Exploratory text project.

Free to download here.




Fluxus-inspired Notifications app. Sends a random Prompt to puzzle over each day.

Available from the app store here.



Augmented Reality narrative app. Developed with Unity using ARKit.

Download from the app store here.

Exhibited at the 2018 Columbia MFA Thesis Show at the Lenfest Center for the Arts.



Durational video piece made using my Grains software and Adobe Premiere.


Gradual changes in pixellation and color juxtaposes the footage of the waning day with effects and processing on the two dimensional screen.

Exhibited at the Fridman Gallery, January 2018. Sample here. 

Edge of the Sphere


Edge of the Sphere

An augmented reality iOS app. The app finds prominent lines in the cameras image and sonifies them according to a fixed system. Angle determines pitch, and length determines volume and timbre. Can be used in a snapshot, visual score mode and in a continuous mode.

Exhibited at Columbia MFA Open Studios 2017. Download for iOS here.

If Not Here

VR Experience

If Not Here is a narrative VR experience made for the google cardboard. Images were drawn from the photographs of the artist, and the text was an original work. The work is intended to question assumptions of presence in VR. Best with good, encompassing headphones in a quiet environment.

Presented at Columbia University Sound Arts Library Show 2017 and Columbia MFA Open Studios 2017. Earlier version shown at the Fridman Gallery in January 2017.

Game for PC, Mac, and Linux. Uses procedural generation for a different take on the infinite runner genre.

Download on here.

Exhibited at Columbia MFA Open Studios 2017.

Untitled, Blood


A multimedia installation featuring three video projections, live video processing, sound, and physical media.

Installed at the Fridman Gallery in January 2017. Details here.

The Other World


Augmented Reality narrative app. Developed with Unity using ARKit.

Download from the app store here.

Exhibited at the Fridman Gallery, January 2018.

Dramatic Film made independently while student at Columbia University.


51 minutes.

Atmosphere Music


A music app for iOS which takes in real-time weather data based on the user's GPS coordinates and generates ambient music to fit the mood of the weather. Currently availible as soft launched with more updates to the music coming soon. Download here.

The Wall and the Shadows


Short film adapted from a short story of Fyodor Sologub.


Visual Software

A set of personal image processing techniques I created using OpenFrameworks and GLSL shaders based on cellular automata. This set of techniques was used for many of my exhibited works as well as several performances, especially in collaboration with Lemon Guo. Pieces include Solstice, Untitled, Blood, Not Fog, and much of the imagery on this website.

The basic structure of the program is open-source and free to use and is available here from my github.



Music digitally synthesized with RTcmix based off of harmonic ratios. These waves are then distorted very slightly to microtonal variations, which creates difference tones which gave the piece its mood and rhythm. The drone is supplemented by notes tuned to the 2nd mode of the Byzantine tuning for chants.

Experiments with neural net image generation using odd datasets.

Music Chambers


Interactive Music App released on the App Store for iPhone. Made using RTcmix under the guidance of Brad Garton at the Computer Music Center at Columbia Univeristy. Download here.


Source code available here:



Photo collection made from custom software using computer vision.

A game made in Unity for the Global Game Jam 2015 with Sam Engel.

Ambient Sounds


An iOS Application which builds ambient music entirely out of the sounds in your native environment.



A game made in Unity with a novel and mysterious control scheme for the Global Game Jam 2014 with Sam Engel.



Photography project on drivers in New York City.

© 2021 by Ethan Edwards

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