Ethan Edwards
A multimedia installation featuring three video projections, live video processing, sound, and physical media.
Installed at the Fridman Gallery in January 2017.
A collaboration between Katherine Whatley and Ethan Edwards.

Original Program Note from the Show
Untitled, Blood
Katherine Whatley and Ethan Edwards
For 3 Channel Video, Photo, Found Object, and Two Channel Audio
In light of the rise of anti-woman, anti-human, nationalist sentiment around the world, we seek to create new artwork for a new time. This work represents for us a small, modest step on the path towards an understanding of art and liberation.
This is a feminist piece of work but it was created in collaboration between a man and a woman and it is about being a human, first and foremost. It is about blood, something as old and as vital to nature as possible, and yet without technology the artwork could not be have been created. This work is both site specific and something that can be shared anywhere with anyone. It is both very personal, private and autobiographical and yet at the same it depicts something that the majority of people throughout the world have experienced.
By processing our images using computer imaging techniques, we hope to reflect on the nature of abstract beauty without alienating the concrete reality they are drawn from. The pattern-based algorithmic construction of the images reflects a long tradition of decoration including textiles and pottery, which challenge the contemporary gendering of technology as masculine.
We hope that this will encourage you to reconsider your understanding about blood, periods, womanness, humanness and humaneness.