Ethan Edwards
Empathic Communication
A continuation of the work I did in the Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) division at Bell Labs.
Modern communication methods get us information faster than ever before, but remain vastly inferior to in-person conversation. This is true for information exchange, but even moreso for deep emotional conversations. We should be trying to be better, not only to invent better communication systems, but also just to become better at communicating in general.
Artists are able to communicate a depth of emotion that we normally can't reach in everyday conversation. How could we convey our feelings and understand each other ideally? If we could convey the feeling of a Beethoven sonata, a Shakespeare sonnet, or if our speech contained the density of song, what would that world be?
I'm working on a few prototypes related to these questions, small increments and experiments for my daily life which I hope will improve my own communication just a little bit.